Innovative printed circuit boards for
automotive, medical, lighting,
electronics, communication and more...

Innovative printed circuit boards for
automotive, medical, lighting,
electronics, communication and more...

Innovative printed circuit boards for
automotive, medical, lighting,
electronics, communication and more...

Printed circuit board examples

Examples from our portfolio

Our production program includes a wide range of different types of blanks, base materials and applications. Below you can see a few examples from our production program. You will receive a comprehensive overview here shortly.



Rigid Flex

Rigid Flex




Contact us now

Our experts are at your disposal. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Abbas Ashkan
Managing director
T +49 (0)2103 9956930
F +49 (0)2103 9956933
M +49 (0)160 93888697
Send E-Mail

Hamid Karimzadeh
Authorized signatory
T +49 (0)2103 9956930
F +49 (0)2103 9956933
M +49 (0)173 2097200
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